Friday, September 21, 2007

Some comic related stuff and thoughts.

Before I go into the new things, something the past week or two has caught my eye and I wanted to share it. If you have been reading this or any comic related site, you know about the passing of Mike Wieringo. A great artist, a nice guy who enjoyed talking to his fans, he went far too soon. There have been many tributes, including a nice one a few weeks ago at the Baltimore Comic con with the proceeds going to the Humane Society. He worked for both Marvel and DC and last week, Marvel put a very nice tribute to him in their comics. I thought I would share it with you.

This is my first time posting images, so you'll have to forgive me if they seem off. I find it interesting that DC really didn't do anything in their books since he worked on one of their best books, the Flash. On a personal note, I kind of wished that they would have put something in there about Spider-Man, since he was a great artist during a bad stretch of writers.

Next is the sketch I have talked about. Talk about a nerdgasm. I had a chance to meet Scott Kurtz again at the Baltimore show. I am a HUGE fan of PvP, and he has been one of the nicest artist to talk to. I have been badgered by some friends (looking in your direction, Matthew) to get him to do something for me, maybe me pimping his comic on our "conversations" show. Instead, knowing that he is a major player of WoW (that's World of Warcraft for the noobs) I asked him to do a sketch of my main character. He is a night elf warrior named Festezio. Yes, I love "Family Guy". He was very obliging and since I got to him early in the show he had some time to throw it together. Here is how it came out:

Pretty cool, huh? Man, when 2 things you love collide, sometimes it just feels right.

I have one last tidbit to throw out there for comic as well as non-comic fans. It has recently been announced that DC was adding more heroes to the Johnny DC kids line. This is nice news and all, but one of the books has me giddy with excitement. Mike Kunkel, the writer and artist behind one of my all-time favorite indy books "Herobear and the Kid" will be doing the artwork for the Shazam book. If you have never read "Herobear" you've missed out. I found this book by accident and fell in love instantly. It was only 5 issues and I have been praying for more. The last artwork seen by him was in the DC tribute issue to Sam Loeb. Every month I scan the Previews hoping to find something, but to no avail. Now he is bringing his style to a mainstream book that (I hope) will get kids excited about Shazam. On a side note, Captain Marvel really has had some A-listers doing work on him. Howard Porter, Jeff Smith, and now Mike Kunkel. OK so they are A-listers to me, but seriously, get this and give this to kids to read when it comes out next year.

That's it for now. Next week is a busy week, TV wise. So I will post again with my thoughts on the "Heroes" and "Smallville" premieres next week.


Jim said...

DC should have done a little more for Ringo. The Marvel tribute was nice.

Anonymous said...

Did DC do anything at all yet? Maybe they'll get something out next month.

It is a great sketch Ron. I'll try to remember to send you a picture of the sketch he did of my daughter Evy and Erik Larsen with Evy and Erik. It's really funny - the sketch, the picture is cute.

ApologetiX is playing tomorrow night in Columbia ( - last time to get out before TV season. I'm looking forward to the Bionic Woman myself as well as Heroes and Smallville.

Oh and I totally called the Sharon Carter "news" a few weeks ago on CCC. Having 5 children helps to give you some insight into comics. :)

Anonymous said...

Herobear and the Kid was great stuff! Really looking forward to the new Shazam book. If it's a fifth as good as Smith's mini it'll be fantastic!
Ringo will be missed. I hope Marvel and DC do a better job of collecting his body of work in trade. Loved his Flash work with Waid and his FF stuff was damn fine too. He will be missed.
Not really looking forward to Bionic Woman, but Heroes, My Name is Earl, Bones and House all have me excited. Did you see all the noobies coming to Heroes? The Babe Factor is getting turned up to 11.
Take care!!!

Shawn said...

DC dropped the ball when they let Ringo slip through their fingers.

They're just continuing a trend.

Nice Blog my friend.
