Thursday, September 27, 2007

Allow me a moment of your time

I am assuming that most of you who read this know me or at least know of me. So allow me a moment to vent and let some pressure escape.

I have not given most of you a peek behind the curtain that is my life. I also am not so vain to think that you all would want to. But I have to let you in on something. I have been out of work for awhile now. I am not telling you this out of pity or sympathy (god forbid). I am telling you this because of the frustration I am going through. I cannot find a job in my chosen profession. They want someone with more experience. By the way, my chosen profession is cardiac monitoring. Big whoop, I know. I have tried any and all avenues. I have tried anything short of strapping a bomb to my chest and walking into a place to beg for a job. Nothing has worked. I don't know what it is about me. I try to project a positive image when I can get an interview, on those rare occasions. I just don't know.

There is something else I have to get off of my chest at this time. I am also a little frustrated with some of my friends and family. Those that know about my situation, they offer me advice and platitudes. I don't want to seem ungrateful, I am thankful that these people care enough to offer such things, but I wonder. When I was working and a friend was out of a job, I would have done all that I could to help him, including trying to get him a job wherever I was working. It would have been nice for a friend to come up to me one day and said "hey Ron, I know you're still trying to get in the field, but why not come apply at my place and I'll see what I can do to get you in. It's not what you want, but hey it's a start." Rusty has tried by offering me some things where he can, and for that I will always be grateful. I know I sound like a punk, or at lest it's how I feel, but sometimes I just need a break. Not a big one, just someone to take a goddamn flyer on me. I won't prove them wrong.

This sucks.


Jim said...

It will happen big guy, it will happen.

Ron said...

Thanks man. See you Sunday.

Jim said...

I'll be there!

Shawn said...

Ron needs a hug.

Hey, I still haven't gotten that dream job of changing Natalie Portman in and out of her clothes, but I'm sure your chances are better than mine at landing your job there.

No worries bud.
