Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Some Thoughts on the Recent Comics

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, but I have had a few moments to read some comics and I thought I would throw my 2 cents out there and see what you guys think.

-The craze over ALL STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN should have been how bad the book was. Its was all over the place and at this point I am having trouble deciphering what the hell the story is. They should have placed black boxes over the entire book.

-Conversely, I liked the ending of ALL STAR SUPERMAN. Sure it took forever to get all of it out, and not alot of people are getting what the last page means (leave me a reply if you want my opinion), but it told a story from beginning to end and will look decent when they wrap it all in trades.

-Back on a sort of negative rant, I have been massively disappointed by the latest arc in BUFFY. I was never a big Fray fan (sorry, Shawn) and this whole thing feels like.....I don't know, a stunt? A reason to bring Fray back? But there has been no chemistry, no feeling like "I want to go back and find trades to enjoy her", nothing. I have been as big a supporter and defender of master Joss since the book came out, but sorry, he's on his own here. I'll still get it, I await the next arc with much anticipation. They need to get back to the overall arc.

-I have trouble believing that the whole FINAL CRISIS blame can be laid at the feet of J.G. Jones. Not sure if they are even doing that, but that seemed to be the point of bringing in Carlos Pacheco. He was supposed to be helping, but man they are taking forever to get back to the main story.

-This might be a minority feeling, but my feeling on the last issue of CAPTAIN AMERICA was good, but could have been better. At least we had some resolutions. For the time being, it looks like Steve will replace Bucky in the Marvel axiom "dead means dead". Brubaker has done a terrific job for the most part with this book and I look forward to seeing if he can sustain Bucky's role in the MCU, or will he succumb to Kyle Rayner's disease and fall into the background.

-Is anyone else getting burned out on this "Embrace change" campaign from Marvel? Just end this and get on with the repercussions. Of which, I have a feeling that there will be only a few and probably neither any big or long lasting ones.

-Had a blast at the Baltimore Comic Con last weekend. Some highlights? Getting to see the old crew from the conversations show. I miss them and it was great to talk face to face and catch up.
A big highlight for me was meeting Scott Kurtz from PvP. Yes, I've met him before. Several times in fact. But this year he recognized me and greeted me like and old friend. It was terrific to talk about non-comics stuff with him and he is an awesome guy. Also, spending a few minutes with Herb Trimpe while he was working with Matthew on his HULK sketch was very nice. He is a nice guy and had great things to say about the show, which made me feel great that some people have a good opinion of our little show. I say that like I run the damn thing, but Marc Nathan and crew have done a fabulous job and I look forward to next year.

That's about it for now. Thanks for stopping by while your porn or bootleg movie downloads. Come back soon!


Jim said...

The bi-monthly post.

Agree on All Star Superman, Disagree on All Star Batman (this will read really well as a trade one year), Don't read Buffy.

Secret Invasion and Final Crisis - both feel like they are taking way too long (add Batman RIP to that group).

Ron said...

Yeah, even with the issues today for RIP, it's taking forever.

And Nightwing had nothing to do with RIP>