Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some movie thoughts

Hey there gang.

Did something unusual for my birthday the other day. Caught THE DARK KNIGHT again. I'm not one for repeat showings in the theater. But it did sort of expose the fact that there are two types of moviegoers. I sat with the first bunch on Thursday night/ Friday morning. Those people are the fans of either the movie, an actor, or the character. These folks went nuts the first time you see the Joker in action, laughed at the right moments and got into the movie and left it clapping and happy.
The group I was it with on Monday night was an entirely different group. Most of them sat there silent and while there were some chuckles and gasps at certain things, they were as about as much fun as a dead fish.
I use the truck flipping stunt as an example. No real spoilers here, we've all seen the ads. Thursday night's crowd? Clapping and whooping it up. I can only imagine how this must have looked in the IMAX format. Monday? No real reaction, maybe a "wow" or two heard, but that was my brother-in-law, who we treated to the movie.
Oh and the fact that a new SPIRIT trailer (with footage!) appeared Monday was lost on most of the crowd. But I remember the reaction by quite a few people (excited to see it and how Dr. Manhattan looked)when the WATCHMEN trailer started on Thursday.
So, if there is a point to this, I guess it's this: if you really want to see the movie, to enjoy it with people who are going to enjoy it (not to say that they went and had nothing better to do), then go as early as possible. The fans who do tend to make it a more enjoyable experience.

Not that there is anything wrong with waiting. I understand that some of us have difficulties with crowds and life in general. Just think that at least once you should do this. It could be great fun.


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