Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark (and long) Knight

Hey there all.

I promise that I won't spoil a thing for anyone. Nothing that the ads may or may not have done.

All I'll say is a one word answer to the question "is it worth the hype?"

Well, what do you think?


I am sure that there will be naysayers out there, that IRON MAN or HULK was better, and I will admit that IRON MAN was VERY GOOD.

But this? This was a tour de force for just about everyone who appeared on screen.

That's all I'm saying for now. Go and judge for yourself.


Jim said...

I hope to go today!

Hope all is well in Ronville!

Ron said...

As well as can be expected.

Don't think you'll be disappointed.

Heard the party was a smash. Glad you had some decent weather.

Matthew said...

I really really liked it. Can't wait 'til everyone's seen it so we can discuss in more detail. You really can't put Dark Knight and Iron Man in the same category, since the type of heroes are so different (more gritty real/over the top amazing). I would nudge to Iron Man more, because I left the theater with a big smile on my face. Dark Knight was the Empire Strikes Back of Batman movies. The villains were all top notch. I love Bale as Bruce Wayne. Ironically, Batman is the one I have trouble with (not too much trouble though).